Im not sure who to point you towards either. Reason: there is more room left to right than top to bottom so it would allow bigger fonts and easier readability, especially for people over 40 who tend to have poorer close vision. Also, my 2014 E350 also has Radar Cruise Control and I am thinking this could be the issue. Do you have any experience with them? Take a look back through your included accessories and doublecheck. Nothing that fancy. The Uniden is still new and theres some bug fixes and firmware updates that are coming out. just got my R3 and updated. Is there an app to send the radar warning to my phone and then I would hear it through bluetooth? I have two questions. Thank you!! Most important add arrows (I would pay more to have them) 7. I was traveling from Bellevue to Tacoma (I-5) and was getting a lot of hits on K-band. The R7 has eight colors, which include red (default), white, violet, blue, amber, green, pink and grey. So that I do not start ignoring the alerts, Which option will give me best performance? 1. Audible warning when your battery drops too low (below 11v). Already have a buyer for my V1. Did he have a handheld gun up to his eye? I have had more Laser hits than Ka-band hits and wanted to get your opinion about what is happening in the following situations: R1 alerts to Laser in dense, nighttime rush-hour traffic while merging onto the freeway. Is this a bug, or am I doing something wrong? I havent heard anything. Page 27 of manual recommends updating firmware and database periodically. I get them at the same locations all the time., If youd like to maintain your custom installed experience, get the Radenso RC M., I wouldnt recommend using the 9500ci in this day and age unless youre a big fan of false alerts. I purchased a rearview mirror mounting bracket from Amazon and had it installed for $95. I would say LiDAR to radar use was 5 or 6 to 1 in the cities across Texas. Will test this week with everything enabled to see if KA band works at all this week. I also had a rear view mount for my RX65 and was able to take the suction cups off the windshield mount that came with the R3 and screw that onto the same bracket, but its much too bouncy due to the pathetic material used. Road trip confirmed that driving out west. So for example if youre getting a strong K band signal and a weak Ka band signal, Signal Priority will alert you to the K band signal while Ka Priority will focus on the Ka band signal. learning more tips about my favorite detectors!! 1.53: Firmware Update: 03/19/2020 I would really like to run Ka narrow but I live in NY. The RD is only powered by the power cable, not over USB. Awesome guide and thanks! Thank you! Its combination of advanced features and long-range are normally only available on $500+ models. Agreed. It just received another update recently to firmware 1.50., Do you know what are the changes for the new FW 1.50 on the Uniden R3, Yep. Radar detectors are a handy device to avoid getting ticketed. The BAT Saver is turned ON, yet the detector does not turn off in a powered outlet. Great resource for information on radar detectors and dash cams. He turned my R3 around fast and offers excellent support. Tells you the firmware and DSP firmware version of the detector. His in depth. Well I live in WA and drive down to Oregon periodically so . Hi, Just picked up an R3 but not sure it is working correctly. So if there out of tune I would see readings greater then 34.82 GHz and less then 34.58 GHz? Until now, anyone interested in monitoring DMR needed to purchase a single-use radio to . I had mentioned that I had inadvertently pressed a user Mark in my R3 and was unable to remove it and you told me to (possibly) press the mute button twice or look in the directions. Any idea if this will affect the accuracy of the detector? It turns out it does scan for a narrower range of frequencies which is why we see improved performance. For instance, as soon as the user mark announces itself, press and hold the cigarette lighter/mute button and hold for x seconds, etc. Great info on your site! Congrats! Thanks again!! Cell phones can sometimes also trigger laser alerts if the detector can see the screen. I drive in NY and often to upstate NY. This guy is the king when it comes to detectors. Because in NY and NJ (where I mostly drive), windshield mounts are illegal. Guessing my detector is defective. Is there a way to fix this? I've been watching his Radar Detector for years. The corresponding signal. Are there now (several years later) additional (the rest of the) time zones added, since I plan on using the detector outside the continental US? Thanks! This makes the R4 a perfect "set it and forget it" radar detector. Thx, Steve, User Mark. I live in Oregon and frequent Washington. Mrcd Detection R-3 or future model coming? I havent invested in dedicated laser protection yet, but unless/until I doI dont expect my RD to give any adequate (or any at all) warning for laser! Thanks again! This affects both real and false alarms. Comprehensive, unbiased reviews and setup guides. It didnt behave like this. I havent heard of anyone confirming theyre in use there yet. I immediately called my brother after and he confirmed. Im looking for great range detection w/o false alarms. The Max360 has a firmware update promised to help address some issues too, but were been waiting a while for that. Great reviews, in-depth and very thorough. Uniden R3 or the Radenso, One should never buy a radar detector without first checking the reviews published by Vortex Radar for the various. I set the setting according to your recommendations, 2/5/8 (assuming they should be on. Is this to replace the Ka narrow setting?. Came up behind a CHP SUV and got a few chirps on the KA Band. . A small issue My detector shows the right timebut the AM/PM is incorrect and I dont see adjustmenthelp appreciated!!! Can you possibly help with the correct settings for my location I Reside in Modesto CA but I work in the Bay Area. A street by my house has a K Band Speed Sign. If they could streamline the update procedure that would be awesome.. With that said, as a long time Escort user, I cant put into words how happy i am that they even do updates to support their products, but if I can gripe just a little, the streamlining of the process would be great.. Im impressed and wish you did this for all products. Vortex.. Yes it does. It picks up Ka radar from such a distance that I put it on mute because the chirping goes on forever until I reach the radar! My question is about fancy settings- for example, if I disable K band, or enable segmented KA (2, 5,6 & 8), do these changes take effect only when set on Advanced mode, or Highway and City also? Definitely run with this on. Need to test my sunglasses so that might make me slightly annoyed. Sometimes it does cause issues, yeah, and sometimes it doesnt. It is very common for police to not be always transmitting radar while driving. I trust his reviews. The Beltronics has really good range but is just too noisy for me, so i am selling it on Ebay. Outstanding U Tube channel. I think if not companies are not paying you they should big time as you best I have ever heard as a speaker and products you talk about. Thanks for the detailed write up and set up guide!, Also keep in mind that every radar detectors has its own sort of personality or language you need to get used to. Uniden R3 Review: It's Now Half the Price and STILL Good! Vortex is awesome. Got a noob question. Less of a difference for the digital Unidens. I like it, but like many comments, it would be nice if the R3 had features like the 360 Max, i.e., arrows, GPS current speed limit displayed and so on. . Or keep it like you suggested for the 1.46 update? It clears the wipers and hood scoop and the rear-eye is unobstructed towards the rear. More importantly, he is not a salesman. Thanks. Voice is garbled and I lost my GPS completely. Excellent reviews of all the radar detectors. all is reviews are on target i do alot of reviews before i buy something an out of all the utube guys an gals this guy, is far better than anyone out there now with that said i think i deserve a 10% discount thats how it works i give you a good review i get mnie too lol just kidding keep up with the videos thanks. Lots of helpful advice, great video at youtube, Information is spot on if theres anyone that knows anything here about Detectors heres your guy ! photo radar. Vortex you can trust! This along with Escort Live app subscription seems to be a better deal & still get the cloud alerts from that & Waze. I also wanted to say that I have been watching your videos for some time. Ill try that. The added pig tail was annoying at first, but now its no big deal. If youre running the R3, this does NOT delete your GPS lockouts or manually marked locations. Possibly a leaky radar detector inside that vehicle. Thats what laser jammers are for. I know sometimes with construction and such is not accurate but none the less I think it would be awesome if they updated the firmware with the ability to automatically set quiet ride to the speed limit of the road that you are currently travelling on. My radar pick up a police really far away which is good around 10 secs later I mute it. Correct. Im not the person to talk to on the subject. However, we are now seeing them here around Edmonton in Alberta, Quebec, Chicago, NYC, and in Maryland near Washington D.C. I went ahead and bought the hardwire kit and pulled it out of the box and the fuse holder on it was broken. I inadvertently created a Mark and cannot find how to delete it. The R3 by Uniden provides the same, record shattering performance of the R1, with the additional power of GPS for red light camera protection and the ability to mark and ignore fixed false alerts. I use your settings. Consistently updates when new information or products come out. Mount the detector at the very top, there should be no issue in either NY or NJ., Hi I just purchased the Uniden R3. The notable exception is virtually all of CA where you can disable K band and cut off the false alerts youd otherwise have to deal with using the detectors filters. Im trying to use the Mute Memory feature to mute a Ka band alert in my office buildings parking garage. Ive ended up choosing the R3 for most driving, with the Pro-M only when entering some of the new photo radar LP cameras. The only thing Advanced Mode does is give you the ability to individually adjust the sensitivity of each band. Now there's no universal "best" settings for everyone of course since what's best depends on where you drive and even your own personal preferences. If the detector is detecting multiple signals, you can choose which signal is given audible and visual priority. I just bought the R3 based on your recommendation. After that, look into pairing a set of laser jammers to run alongside your radar detector. plan on using it on my bike. I personally do not know of any other easily accessible source of information with such a wealth of content on this topic that is assimilated into an easy to understand format. The new bogey alert option has 5 different alert tones that you can choose between that will alert you to the presence of an additional Ka signal (bogey) detected when the detector was already alerting to a previously detected signal. I have a 2014 Mercedes E350 and wonder if the front windshield has factory installed tinting or the solar deflection that could be effecting the Uniden R3 severely? He answers this further down. Finally, if youre wondering specifically which additional segments are recommended for different States, beyond the traditional 2/5/8,please see this post. Keep up the amazing work! Permanent link to this article: There is no subscription for them. What you always wanted to know about radar detectors but were afraid to ask. Its mostly a marketing checkbox. I drive a new Miata and run a Uniden R3. Was behind a mid-2000s Lexus and may have had a big-rig behind me but cant recall. Love my R3, actually bought two, one for each car. (My tests show R3 City mode to lower sensitivity more than others) Highway mode when I hit the open roads. Great post. Please keep up the great work!! Enable or disable alerts when you get shot by laser. Perhaps a scientist or university where this is studied specifically? I was leaning towards the Escort iX, but then the iXc came out. Hi, I watch your R3 tutorial and have a question. You can read over them here. laser detectors, laser shifters, dash cams, and more! Is there something like this? Best instructional and detailed videos ever. Help. in giving both manufacture details and real world test results. I do kinda miss the auto-learn feature of my Escort 360. Thanks, Theres now Mac update software available. I really like the detector, but I really think the update will take care of a lot of false alarms. This automatically mutes any and all X band and K band alerts, whether theyre real alerts or false alerts, when traveling below the speed you select. GPS: On Speed Camera: On Speed Camera Distance: 300m Redlight Camera: On RLC Q-Ride: 60mph Voice: On Ka Freq Voice: On Thank you for your quick response and thank you again for all this info. Incredible knowledge and willing to share what he knows. Choose what color display youd like. I know that radar detectors are illegal in VA, but any other recommendations you have for settings would be helpful! The K Filter is your primary tool to help filter those out. The display will be off in dark mode (with a blinking dot moving at the bottom of the screen) until you get an alert. This is literally an unbelievable great job at genuinely helping others make the right choice! I was also trying to figure out which USB cable I needed to buy to connect to my computer. olease help? You gave a list of recommended settings which I did. Other buyers need to beware some of these sites are saying they have stock on the R3 but they dont (radar roy site for sure is doing this). What can be wrong ? So far, I am still seeing a lot more false alarms than my GX65, just driving around town, but maybe using the GX65 and manually locking out signs has made it more quiet than the R3. Wow! Not sure whether that would affect the field of detection going horizontally or not Q2: on one other model I tested, it indicated where the signal came from (front/back arrows) is this something I can determine with the R3 or is that to be neglected? No detector can filter them all out. I am very much annoyed with the false k alerts (blind spot alerts from other nearby vehicles). You need a full map of the US with all the roads, not just a list of points of where the speed limits are. I am always hesitant to lock out a signal unless I am 100% positive. Its still actively in use in OH and southern NJ and a few small areas around the country. Im not sponsored by any of the companies. Go to and check for latest firmware. Brilliant communcation and total product knowledge. High speed muting for redlight cameras. Just how much real world impact does using Ka segmentation have? Very good and fair reviews and regular updates on a wide variety of products. The R3 really looks nice mounted just under the mirror. Or do you change all modes individually. Changed my mind from Escort based on your videos and saved a ton of $$$. But this time my R3 didnt pick it up. Thank you! Im going to return this to Amazon, if I cant get this database downloaded. Radenso DS1 Vs Uniden R3. You can mute speed camera alerts by pressing the mute button. In the NE corridor, incl up through Buffalo, Vortexs setting are what I use with the addition of segment Ka 6 as Ive seen 2 occasions of upward drift in NY. The traffic sensor filter is designed to filter out K band traffic sensors along the highway in some areas. Thank you. These settings will help in avoiding specific bands in the area that are unspecific to police areas. thank you!! Check out the YouTube channel it is enjoyable to watch. Overall I am very happy with my unit. Great Content and Very Informative videos, Vortex is one of the most knowledgeable guys in the countermeasure community. I dont know about Puerto Rico in the database, sorry. This way they can get a bright alert in the day time and a dim or dimmer alert at night. Excellent information about "countermeasures" associated with safe driving. If I turn on/off the ones that are recommended for NJ, do I run the risk of an off Ka signal being positive for radar? This would be a great feature, you could set it to keep the detector quiet unless you are going over the speed limit. would you buy and test or sell the STAR LASER STAR PRO ? I just recently purchased Uniden R3 I need help setting it up for my area can you please help. The process laid out in the manual doesnt work. Hey Vortex,thanks for all your time and effort for us out here.Quick question sir,is the audio jack for the R1 and R3 considered a mono or stereo jack?I just tried hookong up my external escort speaker i had running on my redline but i got no sound at all.Thanks for your time. If youd like a quick general recommendation that would work for most everyone nationwide, heres a list of generic recommended settings. I inadvertently created a user mark and cannot seem to delete it. INSTALL/POWER ON. The R3 also has the best K Band filter on the market, oering the least amount of false alerts from blind spot monitors and K Band sensors in other vehicles. Its quite possible there was some trooper somewhere that I didnt see but. A few of us are having problems with the audio when passing through a sena SR10. Windshield mounts are illegal in MN too, I have never heard of once someone or me getting pulled over for such a thing. The manual does not say. I just purchased one, but it hangs at a slight up angle in my windshield with the smaller double suction cup mount. Q-Ride flashes in green on the OLED.. Great info, just got my R3 today after seeing how poorly the Redline 360c fared in your testing. </p><br><p>Selling used R3, this has been a great detector, small and efficient and amazing range! You can check the current firmware version in the menu. my r3 only has ka narrow and wide, there is no segment option, i updated 1x and again now that second update is out. They use normal Stalker radar guns in TX, K and Ka band. I completely trust the information that I get from Vortex. Question. I live in SFO bay area just bought the uniden R3, running with the following config and latest Firmware, DSP and DB versions, Advanced: k 30% sensitivity, k wide and k filter on. The MultaRadar CD and CT are low powered radar guns that are primarily used overseas. Do you think R3 will be a good replacement ? Radenso 3. I have a new Subaru and due to the eyesight system they dont want anything on the windshield or to far forward on the dash.
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